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The Middle East is at the center of attention. Naturally, it is the most important issue in the news as the entire world watches. How goes the war?
We are not the first generation to ask the question. During many prior wars, that has been asked of servicemen by those of us on the home front. What is happening on the frontline? We all want to know. All people of good will want peace and freedom. I am grateful for our honorable patriots who value both enough to sacrifice for them when required.
But that doesn’t answer the question that is on everyone’s mind. How goes the war? I have been in touch with the Commander-in-Chief and I know the answer. I will tell you in this letter. But first I want remind you of a few relevant things.
Another oppressed people were set free in the Middle East long ago. We recall the event during Pesach--Passover. I am Jewish. My family and I will celebrate Passover during the 8 days of our festival of Unleavened Bread beginning April 17th. God delivered my people from bondage to a wicked pagan ruler. As a believer in Yeshua HaMaschiach—Jesus the Messiah, my deliverance is complete.
Jesus also celebrated Passover. Christians tend to forget that the Last Supper was actually a typical Jewish Passover Seder. Should you be interested, we have a video series detailing the Passover connection to Easter. We also have a limited number of Jewish Seder plates available to help you celebrate this festival. Contact our office at 1-800-688-3422 to order, or visit our website for details.
Please remember that between Egypt and Iraq, my people were also oppressed by Rome. Rome was familiar with war. The Roman Empire conquered most of the world. "Pax Romana," as the peace of Rome is called, was more famous than their military. The 4th century Roman author, Vegetius, wrote these words, "Let him who desires peace, prepare for war." With most Americans, I say with full assurance that we want peace. We have prepared for war. And now, we have gone to war.
A famous Civil War General named William Sherman said that he was "Tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine." And then he declared the famous saying, "War is Hell." Sherman had experienced war. Having served under Ulysses S. Grant, I think it fair to assume that Sherman had also experienced his share of moonshine. However, to that point, General Sherman had not experienced Hell. All will agree; war is brutal. But like all wars, this war will end. Hell, on the other hand, has a more terrifying staying power. Sherman was incorrect. War is a terrible fact of our fallen world, but it is NOT Hell.
We join with believers everywhere praying that this war ends soon. But as a minister of the Gospel, I want to remind folks that Jesus described Hell quite differently from General Sherman. He said it is a "fire that never shall be quenched" (Mark 9:45).
His brother Jude wrote of our "common salvation " charging us to "earnestly contend for the faith," (Jude 3) to build ourselves up in our "most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost" (Jude 20) and to "have compassion, making a difference" (Jude 22). War is unnerving and disorienting. War creates widows and orphans. War creates fear. But war also turns fearful people to our God of comfort. Perhaps that is why Jude said to reach out to the fearful and snatch them "out of the fire" (Jude 23).
I commend these words to you and encourage you to recognize your responsibility in the face of war. Believe! Pray! Build your faith! Share your faith! In so doing, you will share the deepest compassion.
The results of war are immense. The spiritual implications are enormous. It sends people to Hell and it sends people to Heaven. But war itself is neither. There is a difference between a destiny and a destination. Destiny is not determined on the field of battle. That happens during a moment when a sinner considers God’s love in the light of Jesus. The specific response to Him secures the reservation. But war can become a transport to one’s destination.
America has prepared for war. Are you prepared for Christian service? Serve God by walking in a vibrant faith this day. You will be making a difference in the lives of people who may be elected by God for this moment to come to a saving faith in His Son—Jesus Christ.
How goes the war? It goes according to the will of God! Our troops are fighting for peace and freedom. Our Savior died to perfectly provide both.
May God protect our troops. May he comfort their loved ones at home. May he protect the innocent among our adversaries. And above all, may his love turn our hearts to our Savior during this bitter conflict.
May God bless, protect, and empower each of you at this exciting time in human history!
Your friend and His servant,
Randy Weiss
P.S. Order your Passover Seder plate early as quantities are quite limited. Call for availability 1-800-688-3422. Videos of our family Passover Seder are in stock now. I have also prepared a very special message about this war in the prophetic context of Passover. It will be available on CD, cassette, or in print format. I will be delighted to send it to you in the format of your choice for a tax-deductible contribution of any size to the ministry of CrossTalk at P.O. Box 2528 Cedar Hill, TX 75106 USA